Jamie Lynn Hand ‘03
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Jamie Lynn Hand
Henderson, Texas Freshman, Environmental Design major Resident of Keathley Hall |
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“Physically, I’m about 5’6”, blue eyes, hair color is…often changing…originally dark brown, but currently light brown/blonde. I think a good way to get an idea of who I am is to know what I like to do, so here are a few things that mold me into the person I am. I like: Softball…could I mention that I was on a State Champ softball team this past summer?…, Baseball, Football, Gymnastics, Sleeping… as late as possible…, Eating…especially pancakes, ice cream, Papa John’s pizza, chili hot dogs with mustard and relish, and anything with whipped cream…well, almost anything, Drawing…mainly actual objects instead of cartoon-like characters…, Painting…especially using paint markers to add some color to jam boxes and softball helmets…, Decorating, Watching Movies, Acting…putting on plays or skits for other people has been something my sisters and I have been doing for years, whether it was for a cousin’s birthday party or just something to do on a hot summer day…oh, by the way, I am the third daughter of four. My oldest sister, Shelley Mraz is a 29-year old CPA living in Temple, Texas; she is the one who interested me in this wonderful place called Aggieland—she’s a Fightin’ Texas Aggie Class of ’92. My other sisters, Melissa ’01 and Kristen ’04, are 20 and 17. I also enjoy: Swimming…especially in big ponds with wooden stands with hanging ropes to swing off and out onto the water…, Blading…although I had a bad incident at Corpus Christi involving roller blades with no brakes this summer…, Singing, Laughing, Hugging, Dancing…country and western is my favorite, but I love to dance to other kinds of music also…of course I will never forget the yellow camp dance!…I will have to admit, Fish Camp was the first time I was introduced to such dance moves as a butt floss and a pencil sharpener. As for what I want to be when I grow up, I’ve often answered a famous actress; however, my artistic skills and my desire to become a Fightin’ Texas Aggie have given me a desire to work toward a degree in Architecture, perhaps working to get into
Graphic Design. If you were to ask other people about me, I will bet you they would say I’m easy to get along with, fun, and a bit like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde the way I can be quiet and shy at one moment and loud and crazy the next.”– from Jamie’s application to be a Fish Camp counselor
“Man, I’m so exhausted. I just got back from another full day in the woods. First Cut was a lot of fun…we were one of the dorms with the most freshman turnout…basically bonfire is a freshman bonfire…non-regs (non-corps people like me) are really involved in the building of bonfire and it’s so awesome to be a part of it. I wish I could be a crew chief…there can only be 2 girl leaders, but they are the ones who get us motivated about bonfire and are in charge of everything we do at cut. They make sure everybody’s involved, happy, safe, and they’re just really cool. There are also some really dumb traditions like we can’t touch their pots (helmets we have to wear out in the woods and when handling trees) or we have to push (do push ups). It’s fun. sometimes me and the other girls in our dorm will pull-out (say or do something in front of them that we’re not supposed to say or do) and we’ll have to hit the ground and start pushing. It’s just so awesome being out there at cut and everybody’s so motivated and working together to cut down trees and move them…it involves a lot of terms for the things that we have to do when moving a log, and we carry logs following the directions of the crew chiefs. it’s a lot of fun. I wish i could live in fhk another year at least because i kinda got some pride for this dorm. Well, I gotta get some homework done. tell daddy I love him… gonna go now, love ya lots!! bye mommy– Jamie’s email home, Monday, October 4, 1999